10 Months Old!!!

4/4/10 - HAPPY 1st EASTER

4/3/10 - Easter Present

Drew got an Easter box from Grammy!  He also had his 1st peep!


Drew is getting an eviction notice.  He's got 30 days (or less) to figure out how to sleep in his room.  I am tired of having him in my bed.  He's big and he's a crazy sleeper, he trashes all over and punches me in the face!  Right now I have a sore lip from where he head butted me and my tooth cut my lip.  
Last night I tried for 5 hours to get Drew to sleep in his crib.  5 HOURS!!!!!  I failed.  Drew - 335 mommy - 0.  Drew is winning this battle big time.  For 5 hours I sat in Drew's room and rubbed his back, his tummy, his head, I sang I talked I sat quietly.  He would not give in.  He screamed horribly if I left the room so I thought I would just sit there until he fell asleep.  He was falling asleep standing up in his crib but would not give in and just go to sleep.  After 5 hours...actually now that I do the math it was 6 hours, 7:30 to 1:30....6 HOURS!!!!  After 6 hours I finally nursed him and he fell asleep, big shock there.  As soon as I set him in his crib he started screaming I was too tired to deal with 6 more hours of this garbage so in bed with me he went.  I don't know what to do.  
WHY ME?!?!?

Drew's 1st red sauced pasta


Drew and I are surviving another week alone.  I wonder if he misses daddy when he's gone or if he doesn't have a concept of time and just thinks he's at work.  Things are going okay so far.  I took Drew to the Dr. for his follow up appointment from his little ER trip.  Everything was fine, Dr. Pera said he might have a mild concussion that's why he's been so grumpy, but it could also be his 7th tooth which is currently making it's appearance.  Dr. Pera said that Drew could be grumpy because that's the way come toddlers are.  Great, just fabulous.  I get a colicy, refluxy, non-sleeping, clingy baby and now I have a grumpy, head-strong, opinionated, diva-like toddler.  Can't I get a break.  Just a small break?  Dr. Pera did say some toddlers are divas, they want to do everything themselves but they want you right next to them just in case they need anything.  This is my Drew.  He is exhausting and I can't get any sleep.  He is back to sleeping in my bed every night.  I seriously did not want the family bed, how did this happen?  When will I feel like I know what I'm doing?  I want to just enjoy my child but I feel like there's a constant battle and I have no idea what is the appropriate way to handle it.  Is this why people like being grandparents, because it just doesn't matter what you do, you can have fun and leave the tough stuff to the idiot parents.  I wish I had someone to talk to sometimes that knew Drew, I mean really knew him.  People don't believe me how difficult and draining he is.  I'm not a wimp!  I am not a quitter!  But boy does Drew make me want to toss in the towel some days.  

Here's a couple silly pictures of my Drew bug.  First is mommy playing with his beautiful hair and then is mommy putting him to work on emptying the dishwasher. 

3/28/10 Drew learns to shop

My drew bug is so smart.  He learned how to go shopping.  He was pushing his gator walker around and stopping every so often to place things on top of it.  He would then push it to another spot in the room and load it up with more stuff.  Last night he "purchased" a peg for his tool bench, a cook book, a magazine, a magnet, and mommy's sneaker.  

Last night I also found a stack of ripped up napkins....I think I found the culprit though, he was in the middle of the mess and he looks awfully guilty if you ask me! 

The next picture is just Drew eating, what a slob!  Then we went outside to play...he loves walking outside! 

3/27/10 Egg Hunt

Drew did his first Easter egg hunt today.  He was so brave, he even sat on the Easter bunny's lap without crying, he didn't smile but he didn't cry either!  After the bunny we got our Easter cookie, this was Drew's favorite part of the day, he loved that cookie.  Mommy took a small bite and you should have seen the dirty looks I got.  Don't mess with my boy and cookies!  After the cookie we tried to do a craft but it was a mad house and Drew was getting grumpy so we played on the playground and looked at trees and leaves until it was time for the hunt.  Now it was called a hunt but it was really an Easter egg free for all.  They roped off a section of soccer field and tossed a couple hundred eggs in there and said have at it.  It was fine for Drew, I set him down by a couple eggs and let him pick them up.  I put one in his basket so he would copy me and he got really mad.  He instantly pulled that egg out of his basket and tossed it on the ground.  I was not to mess with his basket!  We sat playing with the 5 eggs for a few minutes then we had to leave that area to let the older kids in so I scooped up Drew, tossed his eggs in his basket and walked to the other side of the field.  This is when he had a meltdown.  Mommy touched all his eggs and his basket and ruined his fun.  Poor Drew.  By the time we got home he was happy again and while he won't remember this and didn't really get to go much it was fun to take him out and enjoy something new with him.  The living room is getting pretty boring these days.  

3/25/10 - first ER trip

Let me start this off by taking you back a couple days.  Drew has had a rough few days, he's been cranky and not sleepy.  That means mommy has not been sleepy and therefore is cranky as well.  By Thursday everyone was running on 3 days of little to no sleep.  When Drew woke up Thursday morning crying before he even opened his eyes I tried with every ounce of energy to get him to go back to sleep.  I just wasn't ready to tackle the day, not yet.  But Mr. cranky wanted to crawl all over the bed and try to fall on his head.  This wakes me just like when you look at your clock and realize you slept through your alarm.  I was up, I didn't want anything happening to my little buggy, even if he was so cranky I wanted to sit him on the curb while I finished sleeping.  We came downstairs and tried to play but Drew was a monster, so I walked away from him to get dressed.  I went upstairs and he started screaming and crying like I just boarded an around the world cruise without him.  Dude, I'm upstairs, you can see me, you can hear me, calm down please.  At this point I knew that I would not last all day in the house with him.  I came downstairs and grabbed him and brought him upstairs to get him dressed and finish laundry that I started the other day and forgot about (probably due to my lack of sleep).  I was tossing clothes into the dryer and Drew kept crawling to the stairs.  No buggy, you can't play over there, even if the cats are teasing you, you can't play by the stairs, mommy is afraid you'll fall and hurt yourself.  I could see that this was a bad situation so I took Drew downstairs and went upstairs again grab clothes for Drew and socks for me.  Drew was standing at the bottom of the stairs laughing at the cats and trying to throw rubber duckies at Diego.  Good, Drew was happy for a minute.  All of a sudden I come out of the bedroom and look down at him to see him lose his footing fall sideways smack his head on the bottom of the banister and then whack his head on his alligator walker that he had pushed over by the stairs.  He is a dramatic faller.  He didn't just plop to the ground he practically flipped over the walker and hit his head 3 times going down.  I saw all this happen in slow motion, no no no no my baby.  I ran down the stairs and scooped him up.  He was bleeding!  No Drew no, blood stays inside our bodies.  he was crying but not crazy hysterical crying like I would have expected by the looks of him.  I was stunned.  I called the pediatrician and told them what happened and they were more worried about me, yes at this point Drew was fine and I was the one that was crying.  I said I was fine and they told me to take him to the ER, they don't mess around with heads and eyes, and Drew had 2 small cuts on his eyelid.  Oh my god, the ER. I have to take my bruised and battered baby to the ER.  I'm not a bad parent, I wasn't neglecting my child, I just know they are going to judge me and think that I'm just awful.  How could I let my baby hurt his sweet little head?  Seriously his head!  Doesn't Drew know I have a fear of head injuries.  I can deal with arm and leg injuries, heck you've got multiples and people have lived without arms and legs but heads!  No one can live with their head and that's where those brains are kept, those brains that are going to have to get him into college, with a scholarship too since we have no money.  Drew you might have to wear a helmet from now on, mommy can't take this.  Now I was off to the ER, where's my wallet.  Oh my god I can't find my wallet.  My baby is probably suffering from some horrible head trauma and I can't find my wallet with my insurance card.  I searched high and low.  Where could it be?  I was in tears now that I couldn't take my kid to the ER because I couldn't find my wallet.  I really am a bad parent.  Finally, there it is, on the table, in plain sight, why didn't I see it 10 minutes ago?  Now we're finally off to the ER.  The ER, oh my god I don't know where the hospital is.  I know the general direction.  Please let them have those little blue signs up.  Thank god, I find the ER and get my baby checked in.  Everything is going okay, then they say they want to do a CT scan since he's got a goose goose egg over one eye and a bruise over the other and a scratch on the back of his head.  Seriously, he fell 28 inches (or however tall he is) how the heck did he get so beat up?  Drew did okay with the scan, he was scared and crying but got good pictures of his beautiful brain.  Now to wait and see how hard Drew's head is...This is when I started to get worried.  45 minutes is a long time to sit with a baby in the ER waiting for results.  All of a sudden I thought, what if something is wrong with my baby's head, what would they do?  I had flashes of all the Dr shows on TV.  Oh please let my little Drew be okay.  Finally the nurse came in, phew.  Drew's brain is awesome.  He's got a hard head, just bruises easily I guess.  I really understand why 10 people asked me what happened.  Drew looks pretty beat up.  Poor little guy.  What a day.  We got home about 2:30 and took a nap.  This is a day I would like to just erase.  But put it in the books Drew and I survived his first ER visit.  


I guess Drew is going through a growth spurt or something, he's pretty grumpy and didn't sleep at all last night.  

Yesterday the weather was beautiful.  Drew and I went to the park.  He had such a good time on the swings and he played in the mulch.  I can't wait for summer.  He is going to love all the things mommy has planned. 

Tonight we should be at swim class but I've decided not to go anymore.  Drew hated it, the program was stupid and I think it was actually making him afraid of the water.  He has never ever cried in the tub and last night he hated his bath, it could have been coincidence but I'm not willing to take the chance. I don't want my baby afraid of pools now that summer is getting here.  

Funny thing Drew did tonight...He pushed his gator walker over to the diaper bag, took everything out of the bag and placed it on top of his walker and then went into the kitchen with it.  I'm not sure why, it was like he was taking his stuff and running away from home.  This afternoon I found him throwing all the cat food into the water bowl and laughing his head off.  The cats were none to pleased to see him wasting their food.  He also was pushing the lion walker today and when he saw Tia laying on the floor he started pushing the lion faster.  It was funny, such a boy, trying to run over the cat.  

Drew learned a new word...Cookie :)  he can now say duck, mama, daddy, cat, and cookie! He can also say EIEIO, but that's not really a word.  He also followed a direction tonight.  He grabbed a DVD and I said give that to daddy and he walked across the couch and handed it to daddy :)  He's so smart!!! 

Another random bit of information for tonight...Drew got his first pair of shoes!  His feet have been so fat none have fit.  I finally found a little pair of size 4 soft sneakers that fit!  Yeah!  


Every once in a while it just hits me, my baby is growing up.  Sigh.  I love my little Drew bug and boy is it bitter sweet watching him grow up.  I want him to grow up and learn more things but I also want him to be my baby.  He still needs me, a lot, but there are times when he pushes me away.  I wish he would push me away at night but that's when he wants me the most.  Drew has really made me question if I know what I'm doing.  Well, I don't know what I'm doing but I'm hoping I'm not screwing up (too much).  Why is my child a bad sleeper? why does my child hate new people and new experiences?  Why is my child so shy and slow to warm?  Is it something I have done, or didn't do?  I'm doing the best I can, I hope Drew is happy. 

I signed Drew up for swim classes, we've gone twice.  The first time Drew was a little leery of the whole thing but he tolerated it.  The second time we went he cried the whole time.  He clung to mommy and cried while the other kids actually participated in class.  What do I do at this point?  So far in this whole parenting thing I've been following my instincts, what else can I do.  I really haven't listened to what others have said.  People said let my baby cry, I didn't.  Never, not ever.  Now I can bring myself to let him cry for a few minutes but then I always always always pick him up.  In swim class I snuggled him closer when he cried and I didn't make him do the activity.  I'm sure other moms saw me and thought gee she coddles that boy too much but I don't like Drew being upset.  Really when you think about it how were children raised way back when, by following instincts.  It's just so hard to trust yourself, especially when you end up with a baby like Drew.  I won't lie, Drew is a tough baby.  He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat food, he is clingy, he cries a lot, did I mention he doesn't sleep.  He's 10 1/2 months old and he only sleeps a couple hours at a time.  It's a good night if he wakes up twice.  It is exhausting and many times over the past 10 months I wish I had had the opportunity to hand Drew off to someone else.  I wish I had a babysitter or a family member to give Drew to for a little while.  I just get exhausted and can't take it anymore but I don't have anyone.  Daddy does what he can but when I'm right there Drew cries for momma.  I really don't have much time to get anything done that I want to get done.  I make it through day to day, I cook and clean but doing crafty projects, just forget it.  Drew won't play on his own and no one can entertain him while I play with pictures or scrapbook or anything.  I think that's what I miss the most.  Gary gets to play his video games like he did before Drew was born but I don't get to do my photography or my scrapbooking like I did before Drew was born.  Oh well, maybe someday.  

Drew gets better at trying to walk 

Getting Faster!!

First time playing in the sand

3/19/10 - Trip, Day 5

Sigh, it's check out and go home day, the saddest day of any vacation.  I had such a good time, I'm so happy I was able to go.  Before we headed to the airport we went to Seal beach again and watched the surfers.  Drew played with sand one last time and we ate cookies on the pier.  Then it was off to the airport.  Goodbye sun, Goodbye sand, Goodbye fun :(  

3/18/10 - Trip, Day 4

Today daddy got to join the fun :)  We went out to breakfast at the hotel again and Drew has his usual, a fruit plate.  Boy does he love the fruit plates here, he's getting spoiled, I'm going to have to make him fruit plates when we get home.  After breakfast we hit the Aquarium of the Pacific and he saw the fish.  Drew loved the fish but even more he loved the birds.  They had this area you could go in and see larikeets flying around.  We bought a tiny cup of nectar and the birds came right over to drink it, it was so cool, I could have spent an hour in there.  Drew really wanted to grab the birds but they flew away every time he got close.  Drew did dip his hand in the nectar cup and one bird liked his fingers, it didn't bite him so he was fine.  Later Drew was sucking on his hands like crazy, I think he liked the nectar too.  After the aquaium we ate at Bubba Gump shrimp.  It was fun, and Drew had Mahi Mahi.  He is being such a good sport this week.  He likes this traveling business.  After lunch we walked over to the Queen Mary, yes the real Queen Mary.  The ocean liner that sailed from the 30's to the 60's.  It was cool.  You can tell it was a beautiful ship in it's day, but it's been sitting for about 35 years in the harbor here so it's starting to look a little run down.  At one point I sat in one of the deck chairs and thought Gretta Garbo or Clark Gable could have had their butt in this chair at one point.  It was pretty cool to walk around that think that this is where anyone who was anyone was at one point.  When we were up on the top deck the ship's horn sounded, it is soooooo loud and poor little Drew was scared half to death.  He had a look of terror on his face and stopped breathing, I had to blow in his face and he started crying real bad.  I felt so bad for him, it was soooo loud, you have no idea.  But he was okay again when I picked him up and held him close.  There was a movie about the ghosts of the ship that we could have seen but they said it was really loud and scary and probably wouldn't not be a good idea with a little one, so we skipped it.  But that sounded cool, so I'll have to look up the history of the ghosts on the ship.  After the Queen Mary we rested for a second and then went out to the yardhouse for dinner.   It was really good bar type restaurant.  Drew made a huge mess, they sent in the hazmat team to sweep under his chair twice before we left.  He got a little fussy but these are long days for him, when he started making too much noise I took him outside to watch the boats, he loves looking at the boats.  

3/17/10 - Trip, Day 3

DISNEYLAND!!!! Today we went to Disneyland.  I actually braved driving the rental car from long beach to Anaheim on my own to get there.  How could I come within 20 miles of Disney and not go.  Oh I loved it.  I wish I could have stayed longer.  My Drew bug had a good day too.  It was almost 90 degrees in the park that day so we we hot and tired but boy was it fun.  Drew's very first ride was the Dumbo ride.  He was impatient waiting in line, and it was only about 10-15 minutes.  When we got to the ride he wanted to play with the lever that makes Dumbo go up and down but he had to sit on the seat and couldn't reach.  He also didn't care for the wind blowing in his face.  Oh well, mommy had a good time.  Next we went over to King Arthur's Carousel.   Drew was a little unsure of this ride too.  He enjoyed eating the leather safety strap, mmmm, no germs on that thing.  When I took him off of the horse and he saw he was on a horse he starting saying Ga and smiling, silly baby, the ride was over.  After that we went over to Casey Jr's train.  Drew liked this ride a lot.  We rode in the animal cage car and he held onto the bars and looked out the whole time.  Around this time Drew was getting sleepy and hungry so I found the baby care station and Drew rode his favorite ride of the day....the mommy feeding ride!  He actually rode that ride a couple times during the day.  After eating Drew seemed ready to go again so we went over to It's a small world.  He loved that ride too, except he fell asleep in it.  It was a nice calming boat ride in the dark and it was nice and cool, who could blame him.  Besides mommy does sing that song at bedtime sometimes.  Then we walked around and around the park.  Mommy finally found toon-town where little ones and crawl around and play but Drew bug was still asleep.  So mommy found some shade and ate lunch, Drew was still asleep.  I decided to walk around more.  I went to adventure land and New Orleans and frontier town.  Drew was still asleep.  I saw Pirates of the Caribbean and the haunted mansion, I really wanted to go on them but buggy was sleeping.  I was just getting ready to call it a day when Drew woke up.  Perfect timing too, the Tiki show was starting in 5 minutes.  I'm so glad I went to that, Drew loved the Tiki show.  He stuck his tongue out at the birds and cooed with them.  He giggled and pointed and even reached out trying to grab the birds.  He also tried to grab the lady's dole whip who was sitting next to us.  When the show was over mommy bought us both some dole whip, mmm, it was good.  Drew had it all over him.  At this time it was about 3pm and we had to be back at the hotel about 5pm for dinner with daddy and work people so we left.  I felt a little sad as I walked through the exit.  Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth.  Sigh, how I would have loved to stay and do more and see more and show my little buggy more but maybe one day we'll be able to go as a family.  We're probably equidistant from Disneyland and Disneyworld.  I must say that the smallness of the Disneyland park was perfect for my quick trip.  I still would have liked to have had another day, or at least a full day.  The only disappointing thing was that we didn't get to see Mickey.  He was scheduled to appear at certain times in Toon-town but it wasn't set up very well.  The characters don't roam at Disneyland like they do Disneyworld.  
That night we went to a hibachi grill for dinner.  Drew had fun watching the chef toss things around, but then he started banging on his goldfish crackers and they were flying all over the place like the chef's stuff.  Oh silly Drew trying to steal the show.  Then we got edamame for an appetizer, Drew loved it and ate more than daddy or myself combined.  Drew loved the Asian waitresses, he was such a flirt :)  I'm noticing he liked dark haired women more than blonds.  Finally we were back at the hotel and ready for bed, what a day. 

3/16/10 - Trip, Day 2

Today we hit the beaches.  Mommy and Drew are East Coasters that's for sure.  We were up and out of the hotel by 7:30am, do you know in Southern California no one is up at 7:30!  Drew and I ate at a little local diner with a couple of fishermen.  After a big breakfast we went over to Seal Beach.  I didn't see any seals but I saw surfers.  Drew loved watching the surfers just as much as he loved watching the airplanes take off.  He just looked at those guys like I can't even walk on land and those guys can walk on water.  Maybe someday he'll be my little surfer.  Drew played in the sand for the 1st time.  He really liked it.  He picked it up and dropped it over and over again, and then he ate it.  He didn't mind it, he only started crying when he got the water in his mouth.  Water out here is a little high in sodium :)  
After seal beach we went to mother's beach which has a playground and a swimming area that's protected from waves.  Even though the water was 57 degrees it didn't stop my little Drew bug from playing in it.  See he's ready for the Adirondacks...the water there is always 57 degrees.  After mother's beach we went to the Belmont Shore.  We didn't go to the beach we just walked up and down the rows of shops looking for the Frosted Cupcakery.  It was a shop that sold designer cupcakes.  I bought 4.  They actually didn't taste as good as they looked, oh well.  Mommy then ate at the magic lantern.  It was like an Arabian nights type restaurant.  Pretty cool but the food was too garlicy for me.  We finally came home and played in the room then went out to P.F. Changs for dinner.  Drew slept through most of it.  

3/15/10 - Trip, Day 1

Today we got up before the sun and headed to California!  We made great time getting to Midway and they were much less laid back about checking all the liquids and foods this time.  It is hard work going through security with a baby.  I'm glad Gary was with me this time.  We found our gate and got breakfast at McDonalds and Drew got a fruit cup.  He did great and ate the awesome, he hasn't been eating well lately.  Then daddy held him up to watch the planes.  He enjoyed watching the baggage handlers and the planes and then one took off.  Drew was in awe.  He followed the plane as it went through the sky and then just kept looking at the sky with a puzzled look on his face.  He pointed and said Ga at every plane from then on out.  We finally boarded and waited to taxi, and waited, and waited, and waited.  This is when Drew got grumpy.  He screamed and yelled until we taxied.  From then on out and for the next 4 hours he was wonderful.  He ate and slept and played.  He did great!  We landed in Los Angeles and got our rental car then headed to the hotel.  Our Hotel is amazing.  It's right on the harbor, it's beautiful.  Drew helped mommy unpack the suitcase and immediately took one of my necklaces and threw it in the air conditioner.  Hopefully we'll be able to get it out.  Silly baby.  We then went to lunch outside and Drew loved it.  There were these little birds that started flocking around Drew.  He thought they were so silly, he kept throwing his goldfish crackers to them.  We walked around the water front and later went to dinner at the lighthouse.  It was pretty good.  Drew liked feeding the pigeons and watching the wild cats.  He saw one and looked real hard and finally said Cat.  It was so cute.  He knows that all cats are cats, not just the ones in our house.  We then got ice cream and started to head back to the hotel, a great 1st day of vacation.   


Tomorrow we leave for California.  I'm so excited for a vacation but I'm so nervous about getting there.  Drew flew to Baltimore a few months back and he was fine but he's been sick and is a nasty phase this month.  Please let us all get there without being too stressed out!  Here's some pictures of Drew helping daddy clean out the fridge, it's always nice to come home to a super clean house!  

3/12  Part Dalmatian?

The last 2 days Drew has had a fever and been snuggled up on my lap 24/7.  This has given me a lot of time to look at him.  I noticed something was happening.  He is developing freckles, moles, birthmarks, whatever they are called.  I noticed a tiny one on his wrist, then one further up his arm, now one on his elbow...is he turning into a dalmatian?  He wasn't born with these spots.  I'm so glad I noticed them now because if he had been exposed to the sun and then I saw these I would freak out thinking I caused skin damage to my baby.  Is it normal for birthmarks to show up at 10 months?

3/12/10 - Where are the pictures?

Drew is 10 months and one week and there's only been one picture posting.  That is not like me, what's going on?  Ever since the 5th, when Drew turned 10 months he's been congested and had lots of boogies...this does not make for a pretty picture.  So I've held off on a lot of pictures.  Thursday he decided to get a fever and has been one miserable baby, this does not make for fun pictures either...but I took some anyway, doesn't he look pathetic.  
I feel so bad for my little guy, this is his first real fever.  He had a small one a few months ago but didn't act sick, it was probably teething.  This time he acts miserable.  All day I've just held onto him.  I hope he gets better soon, I'm supposed to go to California on Monday, but I can't go if Drew is sick.  Sigh. 


Drew has a new trick.  He thinks it's hilarious for about a minute then he cries for mommy but there's a problem...Drew has discovered how to slam doors and make a loud noise.  Very funny.  That is, until mommy is on the other side of the door and Drew slams it then decides he misses mommy and wants her to come back into the room so he stands up against the door and cries.  Mommy can't open the door because he's pushing on it and he's not steady enough on his feet to walk backwards if mommy slowly pushes the door.  Poor little guy cries and cries until mommy can convince him to move away from the door to let her back in.  
Time to brag...Drew peed on the froggy potty, twice.  I know I know, it's just coincidence that I set him on the potty when he needed to pee but still I can brag that my kid peed on the potty.  Every once in a while I set Drew on the potty it started when he was curious about the potty sitting in the box in his room so I opened it and showed him what it was and sat him on it.  I figured if he's curious why not.  I've probably set him on it a dozen times in the last 6 months and yesterday I set him on it and he peed.  I got so excited I said Drew you're peeing and he looked down and stuck his hand in the stream of pee, then held up his hand like see mom, pee.  Today I set him on the potty again and again he peed.  I've looked into EC potty training but I don't want a free range child running around without diapers on, so I'll just do things my way.  
A few months ago on of my friends that has older kids told me that 10 months was their favorite age.  As the days crept closer to Drew hitting the 10 month mark I was looking forward to this wonderful stage that my friend was talking about.  I'm waiting....So far 10 months is my least favorite age, I know I'm less than a week into this month but it sure doesn't feel that way.  Drew is big and clingy and opinionated.  He reminds me of an ornery old man.  I think I liked 5 months better.  He was able to sit up and play but he couldn't crawl away, he couldn't stand up and pull things on his head and he didn't cry like a maniac every time I walked away.  Well, he did cry but he was easier to take with me and plop down with a few toys.  Now he doesn't really want the toys he wants to walk and pull things on the floor.  He cries for me a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot.  He must be with me all the time.  I leave the door open when I shower now and he comes in pulls back the curtain and smiles and then leaves.  But if I close the door so he can't find me he has a complete meltdown.  I do okay with him all day long but by 7pm I'm done I just want me time.  But this is when he becomes even more clingy and needs even more attention.  Evenings are hard it's really the only time of day that things have to get done and it's when Drew can't stand to be without me.  I have to make dinner and serve dinner, sometimes it's just not safe having Drew in the kitchen with me.  Then comes eating, bath, books, boobies, bed.  I do it all, after all day of a nice relaxed pace I feel like the evenings are rushed and stressful.  On top of all of this I want Gary to spend time with Drew but it's hard to fit that in when Drew's happy.  I feel bad when Gary holds him and all he does is reach for me and cry mamamamammama.  I want Drew to like Daddy and for daddy to want to spend fun time with Drew but Drew just wants me in the evenings.  


10 month photo shoot....He's so smart :) 

3/5/10 - 10 Month Update!

Andrew is 10 months old today.  Wow, where does the time go.  We don't go back to the Dr. until he's a year old but here's an informal update of my little Drew bug.  
Weight: 22.2 lbs
Height: 28.5 inches
Says words: Cat/Kitty, Car, Duck, Momma, Daddy, What's that, Look, and Ga....Ga is pretty much everything else he wants to say but doesn't have the word.  
He can point to cat, cow, dog, fish, daddy, momma, truck, ball, block, and hammer when asked
He follows simple directions like come to momma, and lift your arms up, 
He Can walk with a walker and is letting go and stretching to reach something else to hold on to, it won't be long before he's a walker! 

Normally on the month birthdays I have a fun day but things didn't go as planned today.  Drew decided to scream for an hour last night and then play jungle gym in the crib and mommy's bed for another 2 hours before falling asleep.  So it was no surprise that he slept until 10am this morning.  We got up, got dressed and sat down for breakfast.  I had chocolate cheerios and Drew had regular ones with chunks of cantaloupe.  Around 11am we were done with breakfast, that's right it takes us an hour to eat meals.  Drew is just like his mommy, he's a slow eater, he savors every bite and gets distracted easily.  It was frustrating at first but now it's okay to just sit at the table and relax with my little man.  After breakfast the plan was to hit Jewel (grocery store), Kohl's, and possibly Meijer (general big box store).  Then come home eat lunch and have our fun fashion shoot for the 10th month mark.  Things don't always go as planned.  I got to Jewel, and since I don't normally shop there it took me 10 times longer to find everything, I went through the checkout line and when everything was all rung up I realized I didn't have my wallet, ugh!  So I loaded Drew in the car and went back home, grabbed my card and then went back to Jewel, got Drew out of the car went into the store and paid then loaded Drew and the groceries in the car.  Drew was now screaming so home I went thinking I might possibly go out after lunch.  When I got home I wanted to show off my good spending at the grocery store (I saved $62 in coupons and got a $6 coupon to use next time). Drew was crawling all over my groceries, he was pulling open frozen food boxes, squishing my nice soft loaf of bread, and gnawing on the bananas.  He bit right through the peel of one of them so I figured he must be hungry.  I peeled the banana and gave it to him, he proceeded to smoosh the banana all over kitchen floor screaming and crying.  I put the groceries away quickly and decided Drew must be hungry.  I pick him up and put him in his high chair with some snacks...still crying and throwing food while I wipe up the banana.  I pick Drew up and realize he's stinky.  He's making a huge fuss so I just lay him on his blanket on the floor and change him.  As soon as I get the diaper undone Drew preforms some kung fu move and a chunk of poop goes flying out of his diaper and he flips over screaming.  Did the poop land on the blanket?  No why would it have done that?  Then Drew smashes it into the carpet with his hand and proceeded to squish orange poop (he's had a lot of cantaloupe) into the carpet and rub it all over himself.  UGH!  I clean up Drew and clean up the carpet then sit down to give him milk.  He eats then falls asleep on me for 2 hours.  By the time he wakes up daddy is home and it's time for dinner, bath, books, bed.  So much for a fun 10 month birthday.