Crawling along to month 5

Saturday September 5th, 2009
Aww, Happy 4 months baby Drew!  Everyday something new is happening today he bent his knees up and got them under him when he was on his tummy.  It won't be long until he's crawling!  We celebrated his 4 months by going to the park and then taking him to toys r us and buying him a stuffed cow.
I also think he's teething.  He is cranky, drooly, crying, eating his hands, and has white tooth bumps on his gums.  Poor little guy, that has to hurt so bad having big flat teeth coming through your nice soft baby gums. 
I love my little Drew!
Sunday September 6th, 2009
Drew found his toes today!  He can't get them up into his mouth but he is playing with them :)  I love when babies play with their toes!  
Today we went to the Frankfort festival, it was hot and crowded.  I think Drew really liked watching the carnival rides. 
Monday September 7th, 2009
Happy Birthday Gary!  Today is Gary's birthday, and I just realized that years when his birthday falls on labor day all of our birthdays are on minor holidays.  Mine is valentines day, Drew's is cinco de mayo.  We're so special :)

In pictures the first week of the month

Look!  Look!  I'm sitting up with no support, I look like a frog but I'm still sitting :) kicking back and relaxing in the tub
playing in my car, checking out the dash and adjusting the mirror

17 Weeks

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009
Okay, so my endocrinologist called me today and said that I tested negative for Grave's disease.  Yippie!! Now the down side, she said she wants to put me meds for hyperthyroidism.  The problem is that I can't breastfeed on these drugs.  I'm heartbroken, I really am.  I love feeding Drew and he loves it too.  It's nice to just sit down with him and have our time.  It's also how I settle him down for naps and bedtime.  I don't know what I'll do if I can't nurse him to sleep.  I'm going to have to ask her if this can wait a few more months.  Once he starts foods at 6 months he might not be so interested in nursing, you never know. 
Thursday, September 10th, 2009
Drew knows that he makes things happen.  There's a frog on his bouncy chair that plays music when you pull it.  In the past he has pulled it and then started crying.  I put the toys up again today and he pulled the frog and smiled and then continuted to pull it about 20 more times.  I guess he was just surprised by the music last time and now that he is doing it it's fun. 
Friday, September 11th, 2009
Happy 5th Anniversary!!  5 years, it doesn't feel like it, I feel like I just got married.  Now I'm married with a kid :)  A beautiful kid :)  Gary came home from Texas today, it was hard all week without him.  I missed him.  He was cute, he bought Drew a stuffed horse.  Awww, what a good daddy. 
I think we really are in teething territory.  Drew will just scream and scream while grabbing at his mouth.  He loves the frozen washcloth to chew on.  I gave him baby Tylenol last night because he had tears just streaming down his face.  It made me so sad.  I don't know how long it takes for teeth to actually come through the gums but I hope it happens before Oct. 8th, or the pain isn't too bad that weekend.  I'm going to be on a plane with him.  I feel sorry for all the other passengers, oh well, at least it's only a 2 hours flight.  Gary's going to Holland in a couple weeks, imagine tooth and ear pain on a plain for 8 hours, fun fun. 

In Pictures, the 2nd week of the month

Me all dressed up, mommy thinks I look a little like my Uncle Aaron, napping with hippo, passed out after eating
Getting back to my hippie roots, Oohh look, toes!, Mommy loves taking pictures of me
playing in my chair, I love to make it bounce, holding onto my mommy, playing in the ocean, I love the ocean.

18 Weeks

Tuesday September 15th, 2009
Wow, 18 weeks old.  I can't believe how big my baby is getting.  I got his Halloween costume already :)  Well actually Grammy got it for him.  Drew and I saw a super cute one in the store but it was the wrong size so Grammy searched for it online and found it for a good price.  Drew loves his Grammy.  I can't wait to get professional pictures of him in his corn outfit, maybe I'll dress up as the farmer and get some with him.  How cute will we be :)
The last 2 nights have been a little better with sleeping.  He's slept until around midnight or 1am before he wanted to eat again.  and yesterday he took a 2 hour nap.  I wish I could have taken a nap with him but I have Ethan almost every day and yesterday their naps didn't line up.  Oh well. 
Thursday September 17th, 2009
My mom and dad are heading out this way tonight!  They should be here sometime tomorrow.  I'm excited, they are going to love Drew, he's so fun now.  I can't believe how much he's changed and how fast he keeps changing.  Every single day he learns something.  I love it, I love watching him grow and learn.  Before he was born everyone said to appreciate the stage he's at, don't wish for him to grow up faster and I can say that I am not wishing him to move on to the next step, I love each and every day with him and people are right they do grow fast. 
I've fed Drew a little food, I know they say exclusively breastfeed for 6 months, but come on Drew is drinking 30-45 ounces a day.  That's a lot of liquid to have in your tummy.  He started spitting up more and more too so I feed him one meal a day.  Last week he tried mashed bananas and this week he is trying butternut squash.  He loved the bananas and got so excited about eating them.  He wasn't as happy with the squash but he ate it all.  I think it would have been different if I made the squash myself but a friend of mine gave me some babyfood so I might as well use that up.  The banana he had was fresh so it was probably more flavorfull.  What's funny is the food comes out looking about the same as it goes in :)   Tomorrow is Drew's 4 month appointment, I know it's a little late but I needed a day when I didn't have the 2 boys and I also wanted to get more bloodwork done on my thyroid so his pediatrician could decide if Drew needs to be checked based on my levels.
Yesterday I  put my iPhone in Drew's carseat while I put the groceries in the car.  When I was done I picked it up and noticed it was on, hmmm, he must have hit the button.  A few minutes after that my mom called me and asked if I called her.  No, I didn't but I know who did.  My mom wasn't even the last call placed.  How did a 4 month old turn on my phone, go into contacts, and call my mom?  I guess he really wanted to talk to Grammy. 
haha, today I was chewing gum and I blew a bubble and Drew looked at me weird then the lip came out and he started crying.  He cries anytime he sees or touches or hears something new.  I hope he gets over that, I don't want a cry baby but it is pretty funny. 
Friday, September 18th, 2009
Today was Drew's 4 month check up.  He was in the 90th percentile for head circumference, the 50th for length, and the 95th for weight, weighing it at 18 pounds 2 ounces.  Yes, I really typed 18 pounds!!!!  that's 5 pounds more than average at this age, that's a preemie more than average!!!  I can not believe my baby is 18 pounds. 
Grandma and Grandpa Poyer showed up today too.  Unfortunately Drew was really cranky all day because of his shots so he wasn't very much fun, hopefully tomorrow is better.

Week 18

Oh my god, mommy dressed me up as corn...but I am cute, and since I was born in the midwest it's fitting
Me on my tummy, I was eating my jammies instead of putting them on.  In my bumbo, resting my eyes

Week 19

Between my parents coming to visit, my laptop dying, and my hubby traveling to The Netherlands I haven't had time to update here.  Week 19 so got on my nerves, why is it I am the only person who has a baby that won't sleep!!!!  He's more than doubled his birth weight, he eats food, what's the problem?  He's been ending up with me every night, it's frustrating.  I don't mind him sleeping with me but the up every 30 minutes is driving me mad.  And I can't sleep when my baby sleeps, I watch a 7 month old.  Mothering really is a thankless job (thank you mom).  My whole life is about Drew and he doesn't care, nor does anyone else for that matter.  I clean, clothe, change, feed, play with, and comfort Drew all day and all night and no one appreciates it :(  I haven't gotten a hair cut in 7 months because who is going to watch Drew, I haven't been to the dentist since I was 5 months pregnant because Drew can't come with me.  When is my weekend?  My holiday?  Being at home all day doesn't help, it's pretty lonely.  I don't talk to anyone all day and what good are husbands to talk to, huh? what did you say?  I can't join any mommy clubs or take swim classes or anything because of the other baby that I watch.  I can't even go walk around the mall, this is going to be a long winter. 
OK enough of me complaining onto my little Drew bug...
I can't believe how fast he is growing up, and not size wise, just how fast he's learning things. Let's see what I need to catch up on...Sept. 19th Drew went to his first playground.  he enjoyed the swing and the slide with mommy.  It will be fun next summer to walk there and let him play.  Sept 21st Drew scooted forward to get a toy.  He's starting to move a little bit, uh oh, I'm in trouble!  Sept. 25th Drew splashed the water in the tub!  He had fun in the tub and actually cried when it was time to get out.  Sept. 27th Drew went to his first pumpkin farm, he's so cute!!!  Sept 29th Drew log rolled across the living room.  He's started to get good at rolling to get things and it's surprised me when I turn my back and turn around and he's in a different spot chewing on something he shouldn't, time for me to baby proof a little.  I'm not looking forward to this. 
Let's see Andrew is also working his way through the food chain.  He's had squash...loves it, peas...liked them too, rice...a favorite, oatmeal...uhhh, could take it or leave it I think, and sweet potatoes...wasn't too fond of them.  He also just had Mangos and he loved them, he went crazy and even tried to eat the bowl they were in. 
In Pictures:
Showing off some of my cold weather clothes.
Enjoying my jump-a-roo, or as mommy calls it a jump-a-drew
Eating food! 
reading my new soft books
riding in the cart like a big boy, reading a magazine with daddy, passed out after baby yoga
showing off my cute bear shirt, sleeping on the couch with Diego, mommy took a nap with us too that day.
My first trip to the playground
playing with my gumball machine trying on hats at babies R us, I don't like the hat
in the tubbie, mommy making me laugh after the bath
mommy pushing me and Ethan
Lots and Lots of pictures of me at the pumpkin farm and me at harvest days
Having a good day at the DuPage Children's Museum.