Month 3 is here for me!

Monday 7/6/09:
Well today was Drew's 2 month Dr.'s appointment.  I was looking so forward to this appointment to get some issues worked out and now I'm a little disappointed.  Dr. Pera said that what I'm experiencing with Drew is normal.  It's normal for a baby to choke and cough and gag a lot?  Really?  It's normal for him to eat and then scream and cry instantly?  It's normal for him to sleep in 20-40 minute naps, not hour long blocks?  Ugh, why is this so hard?  I would like to believe the pediatrician, he sees lots of babies every day and he has 3 of his own.  He would know what normal is better than I would.  What's frustrating is that I see other mothers with sleeping babies or content babies as they shop.  I have a screaming monster on my hands.  I can't leisurely shop anywhere, I have to make a made dash through the grocery store frantically grabbing what I think I need because I know I will only have a few minutes before the screaming begins.  Either that or I already have a screaming baby and I have to leave the store.  Dr. Pera said don't worry about what other people think, just let him cry while I finish shopping.  He's not hungry, not dirty, not cold, not hot, he's fine just keep talking to him and letting him know that I'm there and I love him and finish what I need to finish.  Easier said than done.  It's so hard to know what to do.  Last month Dr. Pera was concerned that Drew wasn't gaining enough weight so he told me to limit his feeding time and make him wait 3 hours in between feedings.  I did and now he's up to 11 pounds 7 ounces, that's 3 pounds heavier than a month ago, that's a lot of weight gain.  Now he said to go back to feeding him smaller meals closer together, like 1 1/2 hours apart in case he does have tummy issues the smaller meals will help.  Ugh, 1 1/2 hours...he only said that because he won't have a little guy attached to his body all freaking day.
At the appointment today Drew also got his first set of shots.  It was awful, for me.  He got three in his legs and one was an oral dose.  They did the oral dose first, it smelled bad and Drew frowned the whole time he was taking it, but he was a good boy and didn't spit it out.  Next they gave him the shots in his thighs.  I'm glad his thighs are so chunky now.  The second that needle hit him he screamed like I've never heard before, at least that nurse moved fast.  As soon at she was done I picked him up, he was crying really hard, I felt so bad for him.  I fed him at the Dr's office so he would settle down and then came home.
 Wednesday July 8th, 2009:
So much poopy!!! This morning Drew was laying in bed with me and being cute.  I heard him make a mess in his diaper but he was still smiling and making faces with me so I just figured I would change him when he was bored with making faces, which is usually 5 minutes.  I went to pick him up and I felt something warm on his back.  I thought, did he spit up and it run down his back, he's done that, spitting up looking over his shoulder.  I proceed to pick him up and see a big golden brown spot on the bed, what's that?  Ewwww!!!! He pooped so much it came out the top of his diaper, all over his jammies, and soaked through onto my sheets.  That is so nasty!  It wasn't even worth getting wipes, I should have gotten a hose, but I washed Drew up, changed his clothes and then had to do laundry.  I posted a picture of his poopy jammies just to embarrass him one day, hehehe.  I also posted a video of him playing, it's not too exciting but it's fun to watch his eyes as he notices the toys. 
Today we had baby massage class, it was really good.  The lady teaching it thinks it will help Drew's tummy and maybe help him sleep better.  We'll try it.  I'll try anything at this point.  I am so jealous of happy, sleepy babies (but my baby is cuter!)
Friday 7/10/09:
Okay, what's going on here?  I was having rotten days so the Dr. told me to keep a notebook and now magically I have a different baby.  Did Andrew read through the pages of his notebook and realize he was exhausting?!  He seriously never slept, he cried a lot, he acted like a little monster.  This is the third day in a row that he's been so good.  I even slept in my own bed this week while he slept in his crib.  I love it!  Last night he slept with me again but he fell asleep at 9pm, woke up and fell asleep in bed with me by 10pm, he slept until 3am when he needed to eat then went back to bed until around 6am, ate again, and then went back to bed until 9:30!  Even right now as I type he's doing something he never really does...he's napping!  It's 3:40pm and he has been napping for just over an hour, it's crazy, in a good way.  This is what I expected with a baby, not a wide awake monster all day and all night.  So anyway, I took my pages into the Dr. today and of course the last 3 days have looked pretty normal on paper and he's even stopped his gagging thing.  He does it a little, but not like before.  Maybe the Dr. was right, maybe Drew can't have a full or empty tummy, he needs it half full all the time.  I've been nursing him about every hour all day and it's helping him sleep.  Either that or the baby massage works.  We went to massage class on Wednesday and I've done it twice a day since then and these have been his best 3 days ever.  Maybe there is something to massage.  I'll keep doing it, even if it's not helping he likes massage time.  He smiles and coos a lot during it and I think he even knows when it's coming, he acts all happy when I lay him down and tell him it's massage time. 
Drew's vision is also improving greatly, its wonderful except at feeding time.  I'm trying to get him to eat and he's looking all over the place, it would be cute except when he whips his head to the side with my boob in his mouth it feels like he's going to rip it right off, not so fun!  It is really cute now that he can watch me walk up the stairs.  He doesn't cry instantly either when I step away from him, I guess he just wanted to see me, I mean who wouldn't, I'm pretty darn good looking :)  Andrew just wants to spend all day looking at me.  He turns his head really well now, but tummy time is still lazy time for him.  He just lies there eating his hands, he doesn't even try to hold his head up, oh well.  Eventually he'll get it, I mean you don't see too many adults that haven't mastered the whole head control thing :)
Saturday 7/11/09:
How I know Andrew is a boy...
1. He cries when we go to the craft store
2. He burps and farts while eating
3. He does not maintain proper eye-contact with me or most females
4. He reaches out and grabs my boobs whenever he feels like, even in public, for that matter he'll grab anybody's, so watch out if you're holding him ;)
*I uploaded 2 videos from my iPhone, Drew was "talking" until I pulled out a devise to record him, but you can enjoy his cuteness
Week 1 Pictures:
me sleeping in my boppy, so comfy; showing off how strong I am...holding my head up
looking at my octopus, being evil baby...plotting something, another one with mommy
Reaching for that silly octopus, my poopy jammies, ewww, very concerned that everyone is laughing at my poopy jammies

2nd week of the month

Monday 7/13/09:
Happy Birthday Grampa Poyer!  Andrew laughed today!  He laughed!  There have been a few times where he has squealed with delight when looking at his bunny mobile but this morning when I was playing with him he laughed, a cute little giggle.  I wondered if I had heard it right and then he did it again.  It was so cute.  I guess since he started laughing at me today he'll end up laughing at his mom for the rest of his life, I know I laugh at mine hehehe.
Tuesday 7/14/09:
Today I took Andrew into the Doctor.  Yesterday he developed this raspy cry, it sounded awful I felt so bad so for him.  I assumed it was related to all the other issues he's been having, possibly acid reflux, but I wanted to make sure he wasn't coming down with something else and I ignored it.  We ended up seeing the nurse practitioner and she totally understood what was going on.  I explained that Drew arches his back and throws his head back when feeding, he pulls away with a cry sometimes when eating, he cries a lot and can't be consoled, he makes throaty and hic noises, he gets hiccups a lot, he scrunches his body likes he's constipated but he's obviously not, he can't sleep longer than 40-60 minutes and wakes up gagging, he sneezes and coughs a lot, he sounds congested when breathing, he "chews" when there is nothing in his mouth, he screams when I burp him, he looks concerned much of the day, he spits up when I lay him down most nights, and he claws at his throat.  She said it's definitely acid reflux and the raspy cry makes her believe that the stomach acid is now coming into his esophagus, which is bad and can cause damage.  When I told her that he was eating every 3-4 hours and Dr. Pera suggested that he eat smaller meals every hour and a half she was appalled.  She couldn't believe that he asked me to give up my life round the clock to feed him.  She said the only reason he asked me to do that was because he's never breastfed a baby, he doesn't know what it's like to feed all day and all night.  She decided to start Andrew on Prevacid.  I feel bad putting him on drugs this little but I just want him to feel good and be the happy baby that I know he wants to be.  Hopefully things will start to get better.
Thursday 7/16/09:
Today is day 2 on Prevacid.  I think it is starting to work a little, I've noticed a little less of the hic and throaty sounds.  Yesterday Andrew took a 4 hour nap.  4 hours!  that's unheard of.  He woke up a few times and then went right back to sleep, normally he wakes up and gags and coughs.  He looked so relaxed too, no wrikled brow all day.  Last night was the same as always so today instead of giving the full dose in the morning I gave him half a dose in the am and will give him the other half in the pm (the Dr. appoved this).  I hope it helps him.  I hope he has an easy day today too I just have no energy whatsoever. 
This morning Drew was playing and I handed him a small toy.  He held onto it with his left hand for a long time, then he brought it to his mouth and grabed it with his right hand.  It was the first time I saw his successfull switch hands.  He also did tummy time this morning and held his head up for so long.  He's getting so strong on his tummy. 
In Pictures this week:
Me in my 4th of July outfit, I was mad because it wasn't the 4th, me eating Daddy's arm., Me sitting with Daddy and looking pretty annoyed that mommy interrupted guy bonding time!

Third Week of the Month

Sunday 7/19/09:
I think the prevacid is working but there are still some tummy issues, I guess that's normal though for little ones.  I don't want him to get older faster, I just want his tummy to grow up.  He is laughing more now, it's so cute.  I love his little laugh, sometimes he even squeals he's having such a good time.  It's the cutest thing ever. 
The hardest thing now is he still eats every 2 hours.  I thought 10 week old babies could go longer, everyone said it would get easier.  It's been almost 3 months of 2 hour feedings.  Let's see, since I'm a numbers person he's been here about 70 days, that's 1,680 hours and eating every 2 hours would cut that in half so he's eaten about 840 times, and lets just say feedings are 30 minutes on average, that's 25,200 minutes of eating (or 420 hours), my poor boobs.  Okay, that amuses me to figure out the time.  It's really crazy, why does he eat so much?  Even if he gets a bottle he still wants to eat all the time.  I gave Nicki approximately 10 ounces of food when I went out the other night and within the 4 hours that he was at her house he ate all of it.  And then he was hungry again when I got him home.  He's eating every 2 hours round the clock.  I feed him at 9pm and go to bed, then he's up at 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am...sometimes this is when we come downstairs other times we stay in bed until the 7am feeding and then come down.  It's crazy.  I love feeding him, I really do, but I'm getting really tired.  It really is hard work feeding a baby, it takes a lot out of me (literally).  If it was just popping a bottle in his mouth every 2 hours that would be one thing but my life revolves around feeding him.  I wear clothes that are easy to feed in because I not only have to do it so much but if I go any where at all I usually have to feed him in the back seat of the car and I need to wear clothes that won't give everyone else a show.  I'm also not getting enough sleep.  I sleep in one hour increments, I hate it, I would think Andrew hates it too but he won't stay asleep, he gets up to eat.  Why do I have a hungry hungry hippo baby?  I'll never talk Gary into number 2 now ;)
Wednesday 7/22/09:
Now this is the baby I wanted.  He is so happy now that he's on the prevacid.  I can't believe the difference.  He's so much fun.  He plays and laughs all the time.  I even got a little laugh on video, it's so cute.  I'm so lucky to be home with him.  There's no way I could leave him to sit at work all day.  He's happy in the day, it's evenings that I would be willing to send him to day care :)  They can have him when he's tired and crabby.  I feel bad for daddy though, he gets home right when the crabbiness is starting.  It's significantly less than before but it's still about an hour of crying everynight and he's just not as much fun in the evening, I guess he's all laughed out by 7pm.  It's just amazing how fast babies learn things.  10 weeks ago Drew was a blob, now he does things!  He hits toys and grabs onto dangling toys.  It's so cute, sometimes he grabs with both hands and looks like he's doing baby pull ups.  He kicks all the time, I don't have anything for him to play with with his feet but he doesn't seem to mind just kicking the air.  He finally got the crinkly bug on his mirror, he's been trying to get it for about a week now.  The problem with that is he pulled it right on his head, he didn't mind though.  I get the feeling I have 100% boy on my hands.  I think he'll be into everything, running everywhere, and get right back up when he falls down.  He is so active and alert already.  The other day at Starbucks he was people watching.  I thought only adults did that.  He watched everyone come in and out of the door and even made cute noises at some people.  When we were laying on a blanket outside he even turned his head to follow a bird that flew overhead.  He pays attention to everything.  I guess that's why he doesn't like to nap, he doesn't want to close his eyes and miss a second of fun.
**Andrew rolled over today!!!! He was playing on his tummy then flip, he was on his back.  He's so big :)
In Pictures - 3rd week
My new car mirror, mommy had to hang it upside down because there isn't a headrest in the middle seat, me sleeping on my bobby
Laying outside in the grass, playing with my new caterpillar toy, it's made for the car but I wanted to test it out
Look I can grab it, My cute smile, the two bad kitties drinking my bath water!
It's captain adorable!  what?  Even super heros need naps.  Owl jammies, they match my owl swing.
Mommy found an iphone app that lets her play with my pictures
playing with my caterpillar, week shirt says I'm a little shellfish...I don't think I am, does this face look "shellfish"

4th week of the month

Monday 7/27/09:
I am just amazed at how fast babies learn things.  Andrew is so much fun, I love him so much.  He can roll over now, he doesn't do it all the time but occasionally he rolls from his tummy to his back going to the left and the right.  His vision has dramatically improved now when we walk around the house he looks at everything, every picture on the wall, every thing on the counter, he acts so surprised to be seeing so many things.  It's fun to walk around with him, I love showing him things.  He laughs when I play with him a lot now, it's so cute.  I love his laugh, I could listen to it all day.  He still doesn't smile for strangers but I don't care as long as I get the smiles :)  hehe
I am so lucky to be married to Gary, he wanted me to stay home to raise our son and I'm so thankful.  I could not be away from my little guy all day long.  If I was at work all day I would miss his happiest hours of the day.  I love to just lay on the blanket and talk to Drew.  Yes, talk to him.  He is a chatterbox.  He never shuts up!  He even tries to talk when he eats now.  Many times when he's eating he'll stop look at me and smile and then go back to eating.  It's adorable.  It's like he's saying thanks for the good food mom.  I love my life!
Drew is getting so good at holding things.  He can grab onto toys and explore them a little now and he already puts everything in his mouth.  I didn't think that started until they were older.  He doesn't care if it's a toy, your hand, or his arm.  The other day I thought he had bruises on his arm, then I realized he did but he caused them.  He sucked on his arm so hard he gave himself a hickey...silly baby.
poopy story of the month: Grandma Poyer bought a shirt that says new family favorite, but it's super girly because it was bought before anyone knew Drew was a boy.  I put it on him today to take a picture of our new family favorite :)  He wore it for a few hours and was playing in his bouncy seat when I realized it was time for a diaper change.  Boy was it ever.  He pooped out of his diaper all over the shirt and made a pool of poop in his bouncy seat.  Lovely, just lovely.  I guess that was Drew's way of telling me not to dress him in girly shirts. 
Thursday 7/30/09:
Yesterday I watched Drew and Ethan for a little bit, I think it will be okay having both of them.  The only thing that I felt bad about was when Drew woke up from a quick nap and saw me feeding Ethan.  He flipped out, I guess he does not want to share his mommy.  So I held Ethan and fed him and propped Drew in the boppy and gave him a bottle so he would know that mommy still loves him too.  Everything was fine after that.  When Drew and Ethan were playing on the jungle mat Drew kept giving Ethan the baby evil eye.  Maybe it's good I'll be watching another baby.  Drew seems very possessive :)
Yesterday I also met Nicki for breakfast at Panera, Drew is getting good at girl talk!  He really is an easy going baby.  As long as he has food and is a little rested he's good to go.  I'm the same way!  Give me a cookie and a nap and I'm alright. 
Bedtime is getting so much easier.  I have my little routine and last night it went flawlessly.  Drew fell asleep without a peep, no crying, no fussing, just sleeping.  Now if I could get him to sleep longer than 3 hours.  He's such a hungry baby. 
Sunday 8/2/09:
Sigh, my little guy is growing up.  He wore a newborn size shirt yesterday and it's the last time he'll ever wear it.  I packed up his newborn clothes and put them away.  I can't believe he's been here long enough to outgrow stuff already.  It was sad, he's my baby drew and he's getting bigger.  He's wearing 0-3 month clothes but I know 3-6 is just around the corner.  When I was pulling out the 3-6 month outfits and putting them in his dresser they looked so big.  My baby is going to be wearing those soon :(  He's not a newborn anymore, he's turning into a baby.  A big chunky baby too.  He's probably 14 pounds now, I can't believe it, but he's so cuddly now.  You just have to hug him when you see him. 
In Pictures this week:
my new robe and slippers, I'm so cute!  Me holding my bath toy in my robe and slippers, me with professional mommy (who is back down to her pre-pregnancy weight, yeah mommy)!
looking pretty was for grandma and then I pooped in the girly shirt haha, baby on cloud nine (compare this to my first picture in this blanket...I'm huge), holding my head up
Look how strong I am my chest is off the blanket, learning how to use a hammer, sleeping in my hoodie
hanging out at panera...trying to get that latte, passed out after a long day at the zoo, daddy trying to throw me out :(
Playing with Ethan on his jungle mat, snapshot from a tummy time video
sunbathing at the pool...look at my big belly, swimming with mommy, showing off my outfit
close up...mommy thinks I look like a camp counselor, reading my truck book, napping
me looking silly :)