Nine is Fine! 

*Newest on top this month*


Drew walked today with his walker.  This was the first time mommy wasn't right there regulating how fast he went.  He's growing up so fast.  

3/1/10 - Monkey Butt

Sometimes a silly outfit puts everybody in a better mood. 

It's test time

Yesterday I took a baby personality quiz on the internet.  And we all know that every single thing on the internet is 100% correct.  But anyway here's what it says about Drew....
 3- The Active Adventurer

Active, curious, and into everything, this baby is a force to be reckoned with! Your baby will thrive with plenty of activity and new adventures. Check out local parks, petting zoos, and playgrounds, and be sure to take good care of yourself because this baby is a challenge to keep up with! Check out these ideas for keeping your adventurer engaged and entertained 

That's just great.  So much for me being a homebody anymore.  At least where I live there is a playground within walking distance.  As far as petting zoos and other things to do they all cost money and if I have to do these things with my kid all day I can't very well be at work so I don't have any money and right now it's cold and he's little.  I clicked on the link to see ways to keep baby engaged and entertained and it had some good ideas to do from sun up to sun down...what about me time, and I'm not talking about bubble baths and painting my nails, what about doing housework?  If it's best for my child to keep him engaged all day long how am I going to get things done in my life?!?!?! AHHHHH Calgon take me away!!!! 


I'm going to deviate from the normal Drew chat for a day...I don't even know where to begin.  I should be happy, very happy.  I have an adorable little boy, I get to stay home with him and raise him how I want, now how daycare dictates but I just don't feel happy.  I so wish I had somebody here.  I wish I had family or at least a very close friend but I feel so alone.  Perhaps there is something in "It takes a village to raise a child."  Not even so much for the child's sake but for the mother's sake.  It's a mother's job to raise a child, I'm not being sexist, let's just admit it moms do the work, dads just help out.  One of my friends said a while back that they needed a break from parenting and my mom thought that was funny.  She said when she had little kids at home she didn't take a break and she didn't.  My brother and I never had sitters or anything but I understand my friend completely.  I need a break.  I just feel like I'm not the parent I want to be and if I had a chance to step away and regroup and gather myself maybe I could be better.  I am getting fed up, edgy, and resenting the time I have to spend with my son.  I love him, I love him dearly and I did not think that parenting would be easy I just didn't realize it would be this difficult this fast.  It's not the taking care of him part that I have a problem with it's the putting up with him part.  I knew I would have to feed him and change him and bathe him and play with him.  What I wasn't expecting was putting up the hours of screaming, the crying, the fighting me tooth and nail on every single decision I make all day long.  It is so exhausting to have someone fight you all day long.  I try to be easy going, lord do I try but it's so hard.  Seriously if I had a family member here Drew would be dropped off at their house and I would just sit in my car.  Why my car?  Because my house just reminds me of how awful things are.  There's laundry backed up, toys all over, my bed room is a mess.  I can't seem to get anything in order.  Is it me, am I destined to be mediocre?  I want so much to be put together, in my appearance, in my house, and especially in my parenting.  Why can't I seem to get things together.  I thought I would have more time before Drew hit a defiant nasty stage, he progressed faster than I could adapt to this new stage.  Slow down baby, mommy can't keep up!  Baby books tell you what your child might be doing at certain ages, they don't tell you how nasty they might become, how bull headed and vocal they will get.  How do I deal with this?  I try but I don't know what to do and it wears me out.  I feel like a bad mom, a bad wife, and just a failure in general.  Every single day from the time he opens his eyes until the time he goes to bed (and sometimes a few times in between) I try to figure out what to do to make Drew happy and nothing seems to work.  He hates meal time, he won't play on his own if I'm doing something else, he's a stick-tight to me all day long.  Why didn't I get an easy baby?  I see other people who somehow manage to get up, pick up the house, shower, do their hair and makeup, wear cute clothes, and tend to their children.  I don't know how.  When I take a shower Drew is either screaming his head off in the pack and play or playing with toys in the bathroom.  When I'm out of the shower he is all over me.  I could take the time to blow dry my hair and possibly look cute but how do I just stand there and listen to my child scream for me while I continue to get ready.  I tend to my son.  I know it's just as annoying to Gary and I know he helps out a lot with household things and he does take Drew but it's not helping me get through this.  It's been one struggle after another.  From the day Drew came home he's been fussy (colicy?), a bad sleeper, and wanting to be attached to mommy all day long.  10 months!  I need a breather.  
On a related note of not having anyone around to not so much help me but just even listen and support me on my bad days I feel like I'm cheating Drew out of a piece of life.  He doesn't live near anyone, not Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, No one.   Drew might very well be an only child so he will grow up with mommy (and daddy).  Think about the special times in your life.  Weren't they times you spend away from your parents.  Summers with grandparents, dinners and their house, playing with cousins, learning to cook and quilt from grandma.  Not that I can't teach Drew everything I want him to know but it's special learning it from your grandparents and Drew won't even know them.  He's 10 months old and has seen one set of grandparents twice in his life and has not yet met the other set.  He's met one of his Aunts and Uncles and 2 of his cousins, he's got plenty of more family out there but he'll never know them.  I think that's very sad and I feel bad that Drew is being cheated out of this.  
I hope something changes soon because this isn't working! 

Tub Time!  

2/26/10 - A BIG DAY! 

Drew has been pulling up and trying to move for a little bit now but today he did it, he started cruising the length of the couch.  Here's a video :)  
Today he also decided that nap time wasn't any fun and it was more fun to stand up and scream in the crib.  I have a short video of him standing in the crib.  Time to lower the mattress to the very bottom I guess.  

Friday Fun! 


I haven't written one of these in a while, I have a bad mommy moment to share.  Drew enjoys yelling, screeching, screaming.  It's awful, it's ear piercing and it gets on my nerves more than anything.  The other morning Drew decided that it would be fun to screech for hours.  It didn't matter what I did, I even tried my old standby, when the baby is upset shove the boob in his face.  It didn't work.  He may not be able to use words and say no mom that's not what I want but he sure can use his teeth to tell me!  So after the yelling and the biting I lost it I just could not take it anymore.  I yelled at my 9 month old to shut up.  Guess didn't work.  In fact it made things worse.  Drew does not handle it well when I get mad.  He started crying hysterically then I felt bad...welcome to motherhood.  I have years and years ahead of me to feel guilty about doing something to my kid.  Sorry Drew, I lost my cool.  I will try harder and put on reggae next time.  Why reggae?  I need that Caribbean Rastafarian attitude to deal with Drew, and plus he loves reggae.  Well he loves all music but reggae is one he can really get into.  
Next bad mommy moment....Drew was standing up holding onto his dinosaur toy.  I could see things were shaky so what did I do?  I didn't rush over to my child like I should have I said wait just minute baby.  I was finishing up something and didn't want to just drop it and go.  But Drew is 9 months old, he doesn't understand wait a minute.  He pushed harder on the toy and over he went, on his head.  Sorry Drew, sorry mommy was being selfish.  After 30 years of putting me first it's hard to just drop my whole entire life and attend to Drew every second of every day.  Sometimes I need a break too, sometimes I want to still be selfish.  Now that you're standing and trying to walk Drew I will try real hard to always be there for you.  In my defense I wasn't the only adult in the house, there were another set of eyes that could have been watching Drew while I finished up things.  But that's a whole different issue that I won't get into.  

Drew's favorite activity...standing on the stairs and yelling!  

Drew learns his toys names

2/23/10 - "Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover." ~Homer Simpson

Anyone who has ever talked to me about television knows that I don't think babies should watch it.  I don't mean that you have to toss your TV in the trash when you have kids but you should not spend money on baby DVD's.  Babies do not learn by watching TV, they learn by doing something interactive.  Now preschools is a different story, I don't think they should plop down in front of the TV all day but they can learn words and songs on the kids shows.  That being said how did my son decide he liked the television? 
Yesterday was a particularly awful day.  Drew decided he wanted to scream all day again and I couldn't take it so I turned on the TV and wouldn't you know he quieted down and watched the TV.  Ahhh, quiet in the house, finally.  What am I doing?  My child screams so I turn on a children's show?!  Isn't that teaching him to get his way?  Isn't that reinforcing this awful behavior?  Isn't that warping his little brain by turning on the TV? At that point I didn't care because I would be warping his little brain more if I tossed him in the recycling bin and put him on the corner.  But seriously when did Drew decide he wanted to watch TV?  I very rarely turn it on during the day and in the evenings daddy watches TV but Drew doesn't really pay attention to it.  The APA says no TV until 2, well the APA isn't living with a screaming baby!  Don't get me wrong if there was something wrong with my child I would have not minded his screaming but he screams when he gets frustrated, bored, wants mommy's attention, whenever he wants to hear his own voice.  

***2 First****
Last night Drew started crawling like a normal baby, not his army crawl.  He also took 2 steps unassisted, that didn't go so well, maybe I should say he took one and a half steps, then he fell down.  He didn't bend and fall on his butt or his knees either he fell like a board and landed on his face.  Nice, so graceful.  

9 month pictures

Here's Drew's 9 month pictures from Walmart.  I was not happy with the photographer at all but my baby will only be little once so I didn't want to miss this part of his life.  I sometimes wish I had the money to go to a real photographer or that I had a home studio so I could get good clean pictures of Drew.  Gary was picking on me that I've taken Drew in for pictures every month but that's not true, I only took him in for 1 month, 2 months, 6 months, and 9 months.  If money was unlimited believe me I would have taken him in every single month!  I love pictures (obviously). 

2/22/10 - The right tool for the job

I love bargains! I found this tool bench for $ cool is that!  I also have this awesome V-Tech laptop for him that I got for $1.  This is why it looks like my son is spoiled.  I can buy a million toys for the price of one regular toy.  I love finding deals! 

Drew has started this annoying screaming phase.  I read that it's pretty normal and it will pass but oh my god it make me want to toss him to the wolves.  It is ear piercing, I would rather he cried.  This is what makes me lose my patients.  I can not take the noise.  I do not like too much noise.  I have no battery mornings sometimes because even the noise of all the toys is annoying to me.  My ears are sensitive sometimes I guess.  Please Drew, Please stop screaming!!! 

2/22 - Drew gets a sport coat

Grammy sent Drew a sport coat, it's so cute.  I think Drew looks like a little here's his model session :) 

2/19/10 - What's Drew doing now?

The Plano's are headed to Long Beach California in a couple weeks.  I'm so excited I can't wait to leave cold windy Illinois and take a little spring break. 

Okay now for a little update on Drew.  He's about 28 inches long and 22 pounds.  Still a heavy weight but he really hasn't gained any weight in a whole month.  He's wearing 12 month clothes and I still haven't bought him any shoes, his feet are so puffy they just don't fit.  I saw baby converse sneakers at target, I so wanted Drew to have a pair but they were in pink, ugh, why is everything made for girls!  Don't they understand that while men don't shop like women; baby boys are shopped for by mommies!! If you make it mommies will buy it!!  Okay, back to Drew...he's still doing his silly army man crawl but he pushes up on his hands and knees a lot, he just doesn't crawl like that.  He pulls himself up and is just starting to try to move when standing.  Drew loves to pull himself up on the stairs too.  I haven't gotten a gate yet, I know I need one but my house is made stupid.  The wall and the banister don't match up so I'm having trouble finding out how to put a gate up.  Drew surprised me and slept in his crib for 11 hours, only waking once to eat, but now we're back to bad sleeper Drew.  Oh well, we'll get there.  Yesterday Drew had his very first kids meal.  He got mac and cheese and corn at Chili's.  He's such a big boy.  Now that he has 5 teeth, 6th one on the way, he's decided that he doesn't want mommy to feed him anymore.  Wait, he doesn't want mommy to feed him from a spoon anymore, he still loves his boobies!  We've moved straight to table food.  He'll eat anything but his favorites are pasta and mango (not together).  Drew babbles all the time and even says words that people can understand.  He says look, what's that, duck, mama, and dada.  He also tosses some words out there that sound like ball, cup, cat, and dog but those aren't as clear sounding.  He is such a copy cat now.  Anything you do, he'll do.  He shakes his head, blows raspberries, sticks out his tongue, hums, yells, clicks his tongue.  Anything you can do he can do (better).  It is amazing how much he knows now.  He knows the names of toys and can pick them out when I ask for them.  He knows ball, block, fish, frog, screwdriver, cow, and truck.  We're working on colors and shapes with the shape sorter but he hasn't figured that toy out yet.  Drew hates having his hands touched, HATES IT!!!!  I can't teach him so big, patty cake, bye bye, blow kisses, or clap.  I'm sure he'll do all those things but he does not like it when I try to take his hand and show him how to do it.  So I do it and he watches.  He studies everything.  He pays attention to every detail.  He is not a dare devil, every few minutes (or seconds) he has to look back for mommy's approval.  He is into everything but is not daring, he won't leave my side and doesn't much care for play areas where mommy can't be right next to him.  At home he is just starting to be able to play for a few minutes all by himself without me.  It's nice to see him getting confident enough to play without mommy.  In time I'm sure he'll be that way outside of home too.  Drew is very much an I do it myself kind of kid already.  I think this is why he hates me feeding him and hates me dressing me.  The only thing he doesn't hate is when I have to change his diaper.  he doesn't care for being dirty, he crawls over to me and yells at me when he needs to be changed.  Good, maybe potty changing will be easier.  I'll try to get some more videos of him up soon.  

2/18 - Just some cell phone uploads

Just some random shots of my beautiful baby

2/17 What's the problem with a quiet child?

I'm starting to understand why parents always said they knew something was wrong when their house got too quiet.  I thought parents wanted quiet?  I was in the kitchen putting dishes away and Drew was playing.  Then it got quiet...really quiet.  I went in the living room to find him eating my Valentines day chocolates.  So what do I do?  Take them away?  No, I grab the camera!  Haha, guess I'll find out if he has a nut allergy today.  Don't worry he didn't really eat any, just sucked the chocolate on one of them and put his gooey little hands over a bunch of them.  he liked that they all fit into their own spot.  Too bad they don't make plastic boxes of chocolate to play with.  

What's wrong with these toys?

Drew has several toys where he has to put a ball in them to make them do something.  He loves them.  The only problem is he doesn't always put balls in these toys.  He puts big balls that don't fit, blocks, cat toys, his socks and big blocks in these toys.  It's so cute and always exciting to find out why they toy stopped working. 

Dinner 2/16 - what a mess

I can't seem to find a good way to contain dinner mess.  Since Drew feels that he must feed himself this is what my house looks like after each meal.  I'm not sure how to make it easier to clean up.  When will he learn how to get food in his mouth?!?! And there is my naked bottom run away...he loves being naked now.  


It finally happened!  Drew finally spent all night in his crib!  I can't believe it.  It only took 9 months 1 week and 3 days.  Gee that's about how long he stayed inside too.  He went to bed just before 8pm and woke up at 1am crying.  I went in his room and he was crawling around his crib crying.  So I picked him up and fed him and then laid him back crying.  He woke up at 3am and cried maybe 3 or 4 cries then went back to sleep then woke up at 7am all smiles.  I love it and I think Drew did too!  Here's his happy face after sleeping so much! 

Drew is always good for a laugh :) 


Please enjoy the pictures from our Chinese New Year's party.  I enjoyed planning everything and thinking of all the details that make a party special.  Each room had decorations and there were crafts for kids of different ages and a few fun things for the adults too.  I made the food myself instead of ordering out since I enjoy cooking and so often parties just have store bought trays.  So often we get invited to parties where we are expected to buy things; Avon, Mary Kay, Party Lite, Pampered Chef, Lia Sophia, sex party toys, Watkins, Creative Memories, Homemade Gourmet, I can go on and on.  I've been invited to all of these types of parties and most of the time I go and buy something even though I don't want your crap and I don't have the money.  Why do I do this?  Because I'm a friend and that's what friends do, they get together and hang out.  Well I threw together a party where I wasn't asking anyone to spend any money, I wasn't asking anyone to bring anything just spend some time outside of work having fun.  But I guess that was too much to ask of my "friends."  I understand if you had plans and could not make it, that's why there was an RSVP option for not being able to come but what I don't understand is why people blow you off when they are supposed to be your friend?  That's fine.  I see the life of a stay at home mom is different than that of a working mom.  I don't need to get caught up in the "office gossip"  I have a busy life, I don't need the trivial day to day chit chat to get me through.  This just made me see who I want around me and my child through the years.  Thank you everyone, thank you for showing your true colors.  
I am looking very forward to starting my swim classes, salsa classes and mommy/baby book club meetings.  My life has moved beyond the 4 walls of a traditional work place and now my friends need to as well.  

2/13/10 - You can take the girl out of Ithaca but you can't take the Ithaca out of the girl. 

I started reading the Dr. Sears books, the fussy baby and parenting the fussy baby and high-need child.  Wow, these books describe my Drew to a "T."  It's been difficult to realize that I don't have the baby that they picture on TV.  I don't have a lot of posed infant pictures like I imagined I would because Drew never slept on his tummy, never slept out of my arms, and never curled up like infants in Ann Gedes pictures.  Drew was alert from the moment he was born, that should have been a clue that he was different.  Not even an hour after he was born Daddy said something and Drew turned his head to look at him, not kidding, both my mom and dad saw it happen.  Drew is amazing.  He is very alert, very smart, and very persistent.  It is refreshing to read that there are other children like Drew and it will get easier.  It is nice to know that by following my instincts I am doing the best thing for my child.  I have let people worry me, I'm spoiling him, he's manipulating me, he'll never sleep on his own, he'll never eat food if I keep breastfeeding, he won't develop independence if I hold him all day.  I understand one person writing a book doesn't make him an expert or he's right and everyone else is wrong but it's nice to hear stories how mothers have done exactly what I'm doing and there children grew up into successful adults.  I often look at Drew and see an older more coordinated person trapped in his body.  In the book it said many high-need infants are happier when they can walk and talk.  Yep, I can see that.  Drew wants to do so much but he just can't.  He gets so frustrated and then has a melt down.  
Parenting Drew has brought out my inner hippie.  I thought hippie moms were crazy, and smelled of patchouli oil.  They aren't crazy, they have babies like Drew.  They breastfeed their babies and they don't have schedules.  When the baby wants to eat they eat, this means that while the books tell you to feed your baby about 6 times a day they will actually feed their babies 12 times a day (or more).  At Drew's 9 moth appointment Dr. Pera asked how often I feed Drew.  I gave some socially acceptable number like 5 or 6 times.  HA!!! I feed Drew 5 or 6 times a night, no lie.  Drew and I sleep face to face, or should I say face to breast.  Honestly he nurses probably 4 times a night, that I can remember.  I'm laying on my side, what do I care if he latches on and nurses.  Sometimes it's for 2 minutes, sometimes for 20.  I don't care.  I don't even think he wakes up, he never makes a peep, never opens and eye he just nuzzles his way to me and eats.  It's really sweet actually.  During the day when Drew wants to eat he eats.  Again it could be for a minutes or an hour, whatever he wants.  This is why hippies don't wear bras I've discovered.  Nursing bras or ugly and uncomfortable and get in the way all the time.  So on days when I'm not expecting the UPS guy I embrace my inner hippie :)  
Next hippies smell of Patchouli oil.  Is this so they can identify other hippies.  No, it's because high-need babies scream if you put them down.  I mean scream and scream and scream.  Hippies tend to be sensitive people so they just can't take this screaming and since they aren't wearing bras and screaming causes milk accidents they can't let that happen, so they never get a chance to shower.  I understand.  There have been times when I realized it was several days since I showered.  Now thank goodness I have a husband that can entertain Drew sometimes so I can get a shower.  This is also the reason hippies don't shave, it's not that they don't want to but see how fast you get in and out of that shower when you have a needy child screaming mamamama and pulling on the shower curtain with tears streaming down his face.  Are you cold hearted enough to let that happen long enough to shave your legs.  Well me and my inner hippie are not.  
Finally hippies have this laid back head in the clouds attitude.  This is because high-need babies seem to feed off your emotions.  If I am upset Drew is even more upset, if I lose my cool Drew loses his cool.  If I take a hippie laid back approach, Drew is much better.  
So as much as I want to be the put together 5th ave style mom Drew has sucked the inner hippie out of me.  But don't worry, I cover up in public and shower if I plan on leaving the house :) 


Today was a fun family day!  We went to the Shedd aquarium.  Drew loves our fish tank at home so we thought he would love a huge building full of fish.  I think he enjoyed the fish, but he also enjoyed looking at all the people.  


Not much to say today except do you see this picture?  Look you see it?  It's a 7 letter word...please say it isn't so.  A Toddler!  I have a toddler?  How did that happen?  I brought home a baby from the hospital, I was unaware that he would change into a toddler so fast.  Time for another one I guess.  HAHAHA
So tonight I went to Target with Drew to buy Daddy a present, while we were shopping we came across a few things I thought Drew would like.  So in the cart went bubbles ($2), a silly microphone thing ($3), A fun bouncy ball ($1.50), and a bathtub frog that winds up ($2).  We made our way over to the daddy section and Drew was screaming and throwing things out of the cart.  I offered him a snack and he screamed louder.  I offered him some of the new toys I was going to buy and he refused them.  Okay, back on the shelf the microphone went.  I wanted it but I was not going to spend $10 on a bratty baby. Next we went over to the candy section and Drew was banging his head against the cart and screeching at the top of his lungs.  Please be quiet Drew, everyone is looking at us.  He threw the bouncy ball about 10 times before I finally said forget we're putting back the bouncy ball.  Now we were making our way up to the checkout line, finally.  Then I remembered I needed milk.  I turn around to go get milk and Drew is screaming like I'm beating him and banging his head on the metal cart.  I take him out of the cart because I want to protect that precious little brain and this is when he laughs.  My 9 month old just laughed, he got exactly what he wanted.  Fine...back in the cart you go and back on the shelf go the bubbles and frog.  I just wanted to go home at that point.  No toys when mommy is in a bad mood, no toys when you laugh at me!  Sorry Drew mommy has had a bad week.  


Please let Daddy's plane be on time tomorrow.  Drew is having a rough week.  I don't know if it's a teething thing or just a phase but he's been a handful this week.  On top of that he's having trouble sleeping alone again.  He was doing so good.  Maybe because he's starting to cruise along furniture he needs to be more secure at night.  I'm not crazy, many of my friends have said as babies start getting more independent they also revert back to nursing more and waking up at night more.  Great, just great.  Why can't dads nurse babies too.  It is a HUGE job that I do.  My child barely ever gets a bottle, meaning every single feeding I give him.  While Drew is quietly nursing Gary can do whatever he wants, I on the other hand am stuck sitting there and I can't do as many things as I used to be able to.  As Drew gets bigger my world gets smaller.  When I brought Drew home from the hospital Drew's world was where I put him...the ocean mat, the bassinet, in my arms.  While feeding him I could eat, drink, read, play on the computer.  Then Drew started noticing food, so no more eating while feeding me.  Then Drew started kicking and grabbing at my laptop, no more doing anything fun while feeding him.  Even with the house.  I used to be able to put Drew on the floor and he would lay there and play with dangley toys, then he would sit up and play with toys, next he would crawl around and play with toys.  During these stages I could work on scrapbooking or the computer or whatever just out of reach of Drew.  When he started crawling I just put things on the couch and could sit on the floor with him and work on stuff on the couch.  Well now he's standing and grabbing everything so all my stuff has had to go away.  Sigh.  Good bye mommy world, Drew has taken over everything.  

Valentine's Photos


Today Daddy left for Colorado.  Even though he leaves every morning for work there's something different knowing he won't be home in 8 hours.  Sigh.  It's a short trip but I will still miss him until the end of the week.  

The other day my friend said they were nervous taking their baby with them to do the grocery shopping.  Now I would have understood if her baby was 3 weeks old but her baby is a month younger than Drew.  That's right there is someone in this world that has an 8 month old that has never visited the grocery store.  She drops the baby off at her mom's house every single time she needs to go shopping.  I don't know if it's because I never had an option but I never thought twice about taking Drew with me, everywhere.  He's been to every store I've been to in the last 9 months.  I bring things to entertain him in case he gets cranky and I just deal with it.  While it may not have always been fun for Drew to run a million errands with me doesn't it teach your child that sometimes life isn't fun, sometimes there are boring adult things that need to get done, sometimes you can't act like a wild animal.  How is a child going to know how to act at a store or a restaurant if you never take them out?!  

One word to describe my child...INTENSE!  He puts a lot of energy into everything he does.  That means, if he wants your attention he will put a lot of energy into getting it.  He will not lay in the bassinet, the crib, the bouncy chair, whatever if there is something better going on.  Or even if he thinks there might be something better, like being in mom's arms.  He cries hard, he laughs hard, he plays hard, he takes things very personal too.  He is very sensitive and "feeling".  He also falls apart quickly.  If there is something wrong he can't deal with it very long, like if he's hungry or tired of sitting in the highchair, anything.  He gets so worked up over little things I have a very hard time settling him back down.  Even now at 9 months he will get himself worked up and scream and arch and throw himself around.  I just don't know how to handle it.  Every single thing in his world seems intensified.  He's super happy, super mad, super tired, super hungry.  Even teething seemed way intense for him compared with my friends babies.  I'm assuming that intense newborns who turn into intense infants then turn into intense toddlers.  Ugh, I can't think about that right now.  Don't I ever get the normal level baby?  Why do I have to have the high level baby?  At least he is intensely cute too :) 

Please tell me it's a phase...My child seriously isn't eating.  I'm going to have to start giving him bottles, he's back up to drinking about 40 ounces a day.  He is so draining (haha, I didn't mean that to be a joke).  I'm so exhausted from his clingyness and needyness that when he wants to nurse constantly like when he was a newborn.  Ugh, I'm ready to be done with this phase.  I just would like some time for myself.  

2/7/2010 - Drew's first Superbowl

I know the Chicago Bears are not in the superbowl but it's the only football shirt Drew owns, which is one more than Gary or myself own.  This will be the first sport, other than golf that Drew will see on the TV :)  We aren't a sports household!

So last night I was up for hours worrying that I've damaged my son.  Yes it's obvious I'm a 1st time mom and yes it's obvious I'm a girl. I don't know what penises are supposed to look like on a 9 month old baby.  I followed all the instructions that my Dr. gave me but last night things appeared weird to me.  Now I know my laptop is flagged too, I was up at 2am searching normal baby boy penises on the internet.  Yeah me and all the pedophiles in the county.  I finally decided that Drew was probably normal, I probably have done nothing that will scar him for life (except mention his penis on the internet).  

2/6/2010 - Drew finds the mint bowl

I'll do it myself!  I seriously didn't think that this stage would start until my child was somewhat capable of doing something for himself.  I am no longer allowed to feed Drew.  He wants to do it, the problem with this is he has 5 teeth and can't chew food very well, he still has poor hand to mouth control, and he can not use a spoon, unless by use you mean load it up with food and throw it on the white carpet, if that's the case he can use a spoon like an expert!  He also does not want what's in front of him, he wants everything else on the table.  So that being said what did my lovely boy eat tonight for dinner.  One slice of lime, a handful of pasta out of my pasta salad, 5 pieces of cereal, a few fistfuls of pinto beans, and a slice of apple in his mesh bag.  How is he going to grow up big and strong with that for dinner?!  Oh wait, he still spends about 5 hours a day attached to me!  I'm more happy about it now though, he is not eating anything so at least I know he's getting some sort of nutrition.  

More thoughts on feeding a baby...ugh gross.  Oh my god is it messy.  I can not even describe how disgusting meal time has become at my house.  This is probably the most stressful part of my day, seriously.  I know it shouldn't be but I make breakfast, lunch, and dinner and Drew doesn't eat my breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Darn kids, don't appreciate anything right from the start do they!  I fully believe that children learn (learn what I don't know, but learn) from doing things themselves so if he wants to feed himself I'll let him but the problem is out of every 5 things he touches only one of them gets in his mouth.  He also like to squish everything.  He squishes carrots, yogurt, potatoes, rice, fish, pineapples.  He is one gooey slimy mess by the time the meal is over.  I guess I feel like if my child doesn't sleep (which he doesn't) I must be doing something wrong as a mom and if my child doesn't eat (which he doesn't) I must be doing something wrong as a mom so then I get all stressed out that I'm doing something horribly wrong and he'll be messed up because of my lack of strictness on sleeping alone and eating properly.  I know it sounds crazy but hey, we all know first time moms are crazy.  

I never knew how much my parents loved me until I had Drew.  Parents sure put up with a lot and yet for some reason we keep loving these little bundles of screaming sticky mess!  Thanks mom and dad, thanks for not tossing me out back to the wolves.  

Drew is pulling up and letting go with one hand!  Last week I had a baby that was silly army crawling, this week I have a pre-walker.  How did that happen?  

2/5/2010 - 9 month photo shoot

My baby is 9 months old today.  9 months.  It took me 9 months to make him and that felt like forever now he's had 9 months to grow outside of me and it went by so fast.  Every time he hits another month old I have a mild panic attack.  Stop growing buggy, stop.  Life isn't as much fun when you get bigger, stay little, let mommy protect you forever.  No?  You don't want to be little forever?  Okay, you can grow but just not so fast.  Let mommy have more time to cuddle you, don't get too independent too fast.  This is a big step, 9 months, the next time we see the doctor my baby will be one year.  Okay, that's a serious panic attack, I have to stop thinking about that.  
I realize my page is a little hard to keep up with at times (I did a packing up 8 months photo shoot that you don't want to miss, go back and check it out!) so this month I am going to go backwards.  I'll put the newest stuff on top, not bottom.  Hopefully that will help.  I also am included "conversations' under the pictures.  If you click on them to make them big you will see the story...go in order it's cute.