What's in store in month 4?

12 Weeks Old
Friday 8/7/09

My baby is growing up so fast.  He's three months old moving into 4 months.  He's so big now.  I took him to the Dr. because he was acting like his medicine wasn't working anymore and he weighs 14 pounds.  What a big boy.  The doctor wanted to know how much formula I was giving him when I said none he was surprised.  He said I am a great producer :)  At 14 pounds babies eat about 37 ounces of breast milk a day.  Wow, I am awesome.  I make about 40 ounces a day.  That sounds about right, Drew eats about 10 times a day and I think he eats about 4 oz. each time.  No wonder I can't get much extra when I pump, 40 ounces is going to Drew.  How many ounces are in a gallon about 120?  So in 3 days I'm producing a gallon of milk, not as good as a cow, don't they produce something like 8 gallons a day :)  But considering I am 1/10 the weight of a cow not bad.  Geez, cow farmers must go through a lot of water.  I think how thirsty I am all the time.  hahaha.
Well today was the first time that I had to take Drew to the Dr. because I thought he might be sick.  He was cold and clammy all day about 2pm I decided I better take his temperature becuase he just doesn't seem to be himself.  I tried everything to get his temperature without going near his bum.  The pacifier thermometer said he was 98.8, normal, except the last time I used it on him it said he was 96, so I think it registers low.  If that's the case 98.8 is high.  Next I pull out this plastic strip that sticks on his forehead.  I held it against his forehead and it turned yellow, which means low grade fever.  Well that didn't help, there's no numbers on the darn thing.  So finally I broke down and pulled out the "real" thermometer.  Oh No, I have to do a real mom duty, I have to take my kids temperature in his bum.  I laid him on his tummy and put his talking bear in front of him to distract him.  He didn't even know I was doing anything.  I was more freaked out about it than he was.  It seemed to take forever to get his temperature, the darn thing never beeped but after what felt like a million years I figure it had a good reading, it said 99.4.  Hmmm, while that is a fever I know the Dr. said anything over 100.2 is a concern.  So I called to ask what I should do and they told me to bring him in.  Of course when I got there his temp was 98.8, so I'm sure they think I'm the crazy mom, but they are the ones that told me to come in.  The Dr. checked him out and said his ears look fine, his throat looks fine, and his heart rate and lungs sounded good.  He didn't think I had anything to be worried about.  So I came home and dealt with grumpy baby the rest of the day, but at least I was reassured that he probably wasn't sick.

13 Weeks Old
Tuesday 8/11/09:

Wow, I'm slacking on my posts but it's hard to keep up when all you do all day is listen to Cranky Mcpoopy pants.  Ugh, it's exhausting.  Drew was doing fine on his meds then all of a sudden he's back to acting awful.  I missed my happy Drew so much.  I don't think I saw a smile in 3 days but this morning Drew woke up happy!  Yeah!! So maybe it was a growth spurt.  The doctor said at 3 weeks and 3 months babies go through growth spurts that make them act cranky.  He also said he will have a more mild growth spurt around 4 months and another one at 6 months.  I guess only time will tell if the doctor is right. And perhaps the Dr. is right that Drew cries so I won't let the wolves eat him.  Drew has been crying a lot and he hasn't been eaten by a wolf yet :)
 Thursday 8/13/09:
Sigh, Daddy has been talking to Drew.  I tried to shop today and Drew just wanted to be loud.  He was fine if I was looking at him and talking to him but the minute I tried to look at clothes he squealed and yelled.  I grabbed lunch and ate it while feeding Drew in the family lounge at the mall then tried to continue shopping, it didn't work.  I ended up feeding him again in the dressing room but he still wouldn't settle down enough for me to shop.  Daddy must have told him to do that so I wouldn't spend any money :)
Friday 8/14/09:
Drew rode in the Baby Bjorn facing out today :)  I think he liked being able to see the world. 
He can almost roll over from his back to his tummy, he can get his upper body over but his big old butt won't flip around yet.  Speaking of his big old butt, oh my god, baby exploded today.  I had to clean him, his car seat, him again, his swing.  I've never seen so much poop.  There were puddles of mustard poop all over everything today. 
He's started doing this high pitch squeal, I can't tell if it's a happy noise or an angry noise but it's ear piercing! 
I found that if Drew skips a feeding I look fabulous in a tank top :)  Today at the zoo I fed Drew a bottle and by the time we left I looked awesome, but the girls were really tender and needed Drew to eat soon.  Of course he was asleep when I got home so I pumped 6 ounces and then he woke up, he ate a full meal and they still weren't empty, I had like a pound of food in there.  Finally I have some extra back up :)
Monday 8/17/09:
Drew hurt my feelings the other day :(  He refused to eat when I tried to feed him and then he took a bottle of formula.  He better not like formula better than the food I make for him!!  He's growing so much, I can't believe how fast babies grow.  He wore a 6 month outfit today.  I can't believe just 3 months ago I had a tiny newborn and now I have a big old hippo.  I think I love cuddling with him even more now though.  He's so soft and warm and squishy.  I love to snuggle up next to him.  I know I shouldn't let him sleep with me when he wakes up in the middle of the night but I sleep better when he's close to me too though.  I love it.  Sure I would like a good nights sleep but just opening my eyes and seeing my sweet little boy next to me makes me so happy.  I also love when he wakes up and looks at me and smiles.  It's so much better than him crying in his crib all alone. 

14 weeks

Wednesday 8/19/2009:
This happened yesterday but I didn't think much of it until Drew did it again today...he smiles at me :)  When I leave the room and come back he smiles, when I go to pick him up from his crib he smiles.  I was thinking he just liked to smile but yesterday a friend walked over to him and he just looked at her, then I walked up and he smiled.  He knows his momma :)  I love him!
Monday 8/24/09:
Today I started watching Ethan full time.  It's not bad, I'm pretty good with the two boys.  I love being home with my baby even if it means I have to watch another one.  I don't think Drew likes sharing his toys and his mommy but I think it will be good for him when he gets a little older, who wants to hang out with mom all the time, at least now he'll have a little friend.  Saturday we went to Daddy's company picnic, Drew was a little reserved but at least he wasn't crying.  He's such a smile snob.  Other babies smile when someone talks to them Drew just looks at them and if they are worthy he gives them a smile.  Now of course mommy gets tons of smiles.  He studies people before he smiles at them.  It should make those people feel really good when they learn that he smiles at the kitchen light all the time. 
Sunday was a rough day, Drew cried all day.  It's so hard to deal with all day long, I wish I knew why he was crying, I would do anything to make him feel better. 
I am working so hard to get Drew to sleep but I don't know what to do.  I put him to bed when he falls asleep after his last feeding,  between 8 and 10.  He then sleeps for 3 hours (if I'm lucky 4) and is up to eat again.  After that I can not get him back in his crib.  Last night he went to bed at 9:30, was up at 11:30, I put him in bed with me and when he ate again at 2 I put him in his crib, he was up again at 4 and then 6:30.  It's exhausting I wish I could just take my boobs off and leave them in his crib.  He still eats every 2 to 3 hours during the day most days too.  Every once in a while I get a 4 or 5 hour break but it's not consistent.  This is the hardest part, all I do is feed the baby, still, and he's going to be 4 months old soon.  That's 4 months of feeding him every 2 to 3 hours, ugh.  No one told me that breastfeeding would be this demanding.  But I must say it's the best way to lose weight, I'm almost 5 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight.  That means since May I've lost just over 30 pounds.  I can't believe I was carrying around over 25 pounds when I was pregnant, no wonder I was tired all the time.

15 Weeks

Tuesday August 25th, 2009:
Wow, I guess my baby is 15 weeks old today, this whole week/months thing doesn't line up exactly so I'm doing the best I can to keep the website in order.  I pulled out all of the 3-6 month clothes and put the newborn-3 months in a tote.  Drew can still wear some 3 month things but they are quickly getting too small, sigh.  What should I do with all of his little tiny clothes?  I would like to think I should save them for baby #2 but I know I might not ever have baby #2 :(  Besides Gary not really wanting another kid I'm a little worried about going through a pregnancy and delivery again.  Everything went pretty well the first time and I have a beautiful healthy baby, what if I'm not so lucky next time.  While my kidneys didn't give me any trouble with they pregnancy what if it put strain on them and weakened them, I don't want to mess around with my kidneys, I've had enough issues with them when I was little.  Plus I have to go see an endocrinologist about my TSH levels.  She said having a baby can throw your body out of whack and mess with your thyroid, what if that's what happened, will it happen again with #2, would it be worse the second time around?  On top of that delivery is scary, it's not so much the pain which yes I do still remember vividly but all the things that could go wrong.  My blood pressure was crazy low, that can't be good and they kept putting me on oxygen.  I'm not ready to put my body through all of that again.  If a baby could magically show up at my door step I would readily accept it!
Night time is so hard, Drew goes to bed wonderfully (most nights) but is up every 2 hours, how do you get a baby to stay asleep?  I've tried just soothing him back to sleep with him still in the crib but 96% of the time it doesn't work, I have to pick him up.  Last night I even went and got a bottle of formula because he went to bed at 9 and was up by 10:30.  I don't even remember getting out of bed I opened my eyes and I was laying in the extra bed feeding him.  I even had my pillow, I seriously don't remember walking down the hall with my pillow, picking up Drew, and laying down to feed him.  Wow, that's kinda scary.  He refused the formula and just kept crying and crying and crying.  I nursed him again and put him in his crib and went back to bed.  It was probably 12:30 when he started crying again, ugh...back down the hall I go.  I ended up sleeping with him again in the extra bed so I could get a little sleep and so could Gary.  This morning was a little better though, I woke up at 6:15 and showered before Drew got up at 6:30.  It doesn't sound like much but 15 minutes is more than enough time to shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth.  Besides, I had to hurry, Ethan was arriving at 6:45 today. 
Right now it's 10am and both boys are napping.  Drew has gotten so much better about taking naps.  They are short, 45 minutes but a lot longer than the 0 minutes that he was getting.  Most days I can get him to take 2 naps, I consider that a huge success.  Now if I could just figure out bedtime!
*Andrew learned something new today!  He's started shaking his head back and forth, not just once or twice but like a hundred times, very fast.  It would have made me dizzy.  It freaked me out, I thought there was something wrong with him but Gary looked it up on the internet and found that it's common for babies to do that.  It's really funny.  I posted a video but it's really dark.
Wednesday 8/26/09:
What an exciting day.  First Drew slept really well last night.  He went to sleep around 8:30 and slept until 1:30!!!!  I couldn't believe it when I woke up and looked at the clock.  I fed him and he went back to bed until 5:30!!!!  He then slept until about 7am, but I had to be up to get ready for Ethan to come over.  I really wanted to just lay in bed with Drew this morning.  I think if I had stayed in bed with him he would have slept longer, he loves me :)
second exciting thing today, Drew rolled over from back to tummy today.  He's been working on it for about a week or so but he finally made it all the way over today. 
Thursday 8/27/09:
WooHoo!!!! Drew slept through the night, 6 hours!!!!  I'm so excited.  That's the most sleep I've gotten in 5 months!  I hope this means it will happen again.  I put him to bed at 9, he woke up at 10...I was sure it was going to be a bad night.  He woke up again at 4:15!!!  I fed him, went back to bed until 7:30 when he woke up again.  I put him in bed with me and we slept together until 9:30!  It was so nice to just lay in bed with my baby.  On days when I watch Ethan I can't lay around in my jammies for half the day.  I love cuddling with Drew. 
Tuesday 9/1/09:
Okay, I should be moving on to the next page since Drew is 16 weeks but he's not 4 months old yet so I'll keep adding here.  I never understood when people said breastfed babies poop doesn't smell, it's poop it smells.  Ohhh now I get it, I changed Ethan's diaper today and oh my god, it was awful.  He only poops once or twice a week too so it was a lot of nastiness.  I look forward to Drew's vinegar smelling diaper later now!  If Gary is ever going to change a poopy diaper he better do it now :)
Well all that sleep earlier in the week was just a tease.  Why won't Drew sleep?  Ethan napped for 3 hours yesterday and then slept from 8pm to 5am solid.  Drew took about 4 5-10 minute naps then slept from 9-10, 10:30-11:30, 12:00-2:30, 3:00-5:30, and 6:00-8:00.  Ugh, it's driving me crazy!  He is up all night long.  I don't want to ignore his cries but it's getting on my nerves.  Seriously if you have a baby that sleeps I don't want to hear about it.  I'm so jealous.  It's a good thing that Drew is as cute as he is becuase any less cute and he would be sitting in a cardboard box at the farmer's market (that's how people give away kittens).  He goes to bed like a champ, he just won't stay there.  And his naps are complete teases too.  A nap is anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, and he probably spends about an hour a day napping.  I seriously thought babies slept a lot.  He didn't even sleep is first day here.  Why did I, I who love sleeping, get insomnia baby?  I remember a few months ago when I would fall asleep Saturday night and wake up late Sunday morning, oh how I miss that.  Now I fall asleep Saturday night and wake up Saturday night.  Please sleep Drew, please. 
On an upbeat note, I love my kitchen aid mixer!  When Ethan goes down for his nap, which is longer than my baby sleeps all night, I pop Drew in the highchair and him and I bake away.  Last week we made cherry danishes for "aunt" Nicki and chocolate chip cookies for daddy and today we just finished powdered banana cookies with dark chocolate drizzle.  I think Drew likes sitting up and seeing what's going on.  He's so happy in the kitchen with me.  The hard part about baking for me is that I don't like to give my treats away.  I want to save them for me, but I really shouldn't eat 2 dozen danish and 3 dozen cookies a week. 
My endocrinologist called today, she said I have hyperthyroidism.  I wonder how long I've had this, the only way they found it is that I had my blood drawn for a routine 5 year check.  Is it related to pregnancy?  Now she's doing more blood work to see if I have grave's disease.  I don't want a disease, I just want to be healthy so Drew has a happy healthy mommy.  I will find out at the end of the week more of what's going on and what my Dr. wants to do about it all. 
Thursday 9/3/09:
Drew tasted rice cereal today.  I was so surprised he acted like he's been eating all along.  He didn't push it out with his tongue and he even closed his top lip around the spoon to get the cereal off of it.  When I brought the spoon up to him he opened his mouth, he had so much fun eating.  I know my pediatrician said only breastmilk until 6 months but he still eats ever 2 to 3 hours all day and all night.  He eats so much, he's a hungry hungry baby.  I just don't think a liquid diet is keeping him happy anymore.
Friday 9/4/09
Drew learned something new today!!!  He learned how to blow raspberries :)  I love watching him grow up, I'm so glad I can spend every single day with him so I don't miss anything :) 

12 Week pictures and videos

Week 12

sitting in my bumbo chair, showing off my chick magnet shirt (I am a chick magnet, they all love me), holding my own trial size bottle of formula,
talking to my hippo buddy, look...I have no toys to play with :(  full, sleepy, and happy!
riding with hippo in the car, sleeping with hippo (I put him there, not mommy), looking like hippo
a little worried about being 12 weeks old, sleeping in my swing, happy baby (which is ironic since there's a crab on my shirt, and yes I'm so smart I know what ironic means).

13 weeks pictures and videos

13 weeks

sleeping in my 3-6 month jammies, they are a little big but not much!! acting goofy in the bumbo chair, tired from acting goofy
happy baby! dressed up like a little man, close up
showing off my jammies again, riding in my bjorn, sleeping on the big bed...I slept until 10am when Mommy woke me up!!!!
Mommy and me at the zoo!  Showing off how big I am and my big belly, I think I'm going to have pretty blue eyes!
Back in the bumbo, Diego stealing my photo shoot chair...this is the first time we've sat next to each other.
Me and my buddy Ethan napping in car seats, playing on the floor, me napping in my bouncy in my 6 month shirt (grandma says I look like a butterball turkey)
Daddy tickling me, daddy and me playing with our toys, hehehe I stole daddy's glasses.

Week 14 Pictures and Videos

Week 14 Pictures

Close up of me in my turtle hat, I'm so cute.  14 weeks old posing on the couch
me and my hippo ready to go out, mommy and me going to a picnic, riding in the double stroller for the first time
sleeping in the double stroller, happy after bath time, time for bed.

Week 15 pictures and videos

Week 15

I am too little to drive the car and this makes me mad, I'm just the right size for this tummy thing grandma sent me
checking out something cool on daddy's computer, resting my eyes, riding with Ethan...we're both sitting the same way
Hanging out under the tree, I like being outside, sleeping in my bouncy,
Happy baby...look at my cheeks! Showing off my lobster shirt...mommy likes lobsters, sleeping after playing with "aunt Nicki"
getting ready for the arboretum, riding in my stroller, hanging out with mommy and daddy at the arboretum
sleeping in my bjorn, sitting in my rocking chair, hanging out on mommy's bed, standing up showing off my shoes!
sleeping in my swing, Diego sneaking in my shot, it's hard to get a good shot of happy baby
I refuse to look at the camera, look at my big cheeks, look it's me!
my first taste of rice cereal, I really like rice cereal and spoons!  reading a comic book
Sitting outside eating my toys